Enter the Ring of Honor
Honor your van, honor a friend, honor yourself. The Ring of Honor is a very visible location in the Museum that rings nearly the entire display area. Displayed in the Ring of Honor are framed pictures of vans and vanners donated by vanners who are friends of the Museum.

You too can enter the Ring of Honor. Simply send us an 8"x10" photo of your van, preferably with you or your honoree in the picture, along with a $50.00 payment, and your picture will enter the Ring of Honor. There are two ways to submit your entry and three ways to pay.
Submit Your Entry by Mail:
- Click on this link - Ring of Honor Application - to download a Ring of Honor submittal form that you can print out, complete and mail it, along with your photo, to the address listed on the second page of the form.
- Include a check of money order for $50.00 (US) with your mail-in submittal form, or
- Click on this website's "Donate" button and donate $50.00 by choosing the "Ring of Honor" option and completing the donation. Make sure to mention your donation when you mail in your submittal form
Submit On Line by Using the Submittal Form:
- Complete the online Ring of Honor submittal form below and submit it online, then mail in your photo,
- Mail a check or money order with your picture Museum of Vanning, 12121 Little Rd., Box 320, Hudson, FL 34667, or
- Mail the picture to the preceding address and click on the "Donate" button on this website, then let us know that you've sent the picture and donated the $50.00 by clicking on the "Contact" form below and providing your information.