Former Van Clubs
A Tribute to Van Clubs that Used to Be
U.S.A. - Rocky Mountain States

If a club is highlighted, you may click on it for more information.
Please Note: The following lists are working documents not final authoritative records. They are intended to facilitate memorializing the existence and accomplishments of van clubs around the world. These lists are not to be construed as any "official" authentication or categorization, merely as vanning history. If you note errors or conflicts in the information please inform us using the "Send us more information" button at the bottom of this page.
Van Club Name Locale Status
We need information on former Montana van clubs.
Van Club Name Locale Status
Frontier Vans Cheyenne Area Inactive
Van Club Name Locale Status
Black Sheep Vanners Denver/Front Range Area Inactive
Boulder Van Clan Boulder/Loveland Area Inactive (needs confirmation)
Buffalo Truckers Denver Metro Area Inactive (1981)
Colorado League of Denver Area Inactive (needs confirmation)
Colorado Mountains Riders ???? Inactive
Van Club
Everyday Truckers Denver Area Inactive
Land Yacht Pirates Van ???? Inactive
Rocky Mountain Vans Colorado Springs Area Inactive
of Colorado Springs
Rocky Mountains Vans Denver Metro Area Inactive (2001)
of Denver
Rocky Mountains Vans Pueblo Area Inactive
of Pueblo
Tricky Truckers - Denver Metro Area Inactive
Funlovin Vans
- Do you have corrections to the information for any former van club?
- Can you confirm that at van club is inactive?
- Do we have a van club listed that is still active?
- Do you know when a club was founded, by whom and when it went inactive?
Please click on the "Send Us More Information" button below to share your information with us.
- Do you have another Fallen Flag to add to our list?
Please click below on the "Submit Information...." button to share your information with us.