Vanner Memorial - C-D (Last Name)
Those Who Have Gone Before - Rest In Peace & Keep On Vannin'
Listed below are deceased vanners whose last name begins with "C" or "D." Vanners for whom we have only a handle, nickname or partial name are listed on the Handle or Nickname page. Please Note: in some cases the Handle or Nickname may be the name of a van owned by the deceased vanner.
If a Last Name is colored red, you may click on it to view more information about our fallen comrade.
If you wish to submit information about a deceased vanner, please see the "Submit Vanner Memorial Information" section at the bottom of the page.
If you wish to correct or question information about a deceased vanner, please see the "More Information" section at the bottom of the page.
[Please Note: The following lists are to be considered as working documents, not as final authoritative records. They are intended to memorialize the existence and accomplishments of vanners around the world who have passed on. These lists are not to be construed as any "official" authentication or categorization, merely as an attempt to document vanning history. If you note errors or conflicts in the information please inform us using the "More Information" button at the bottom of this page.]
- - - - - - - - - - - - C - - - - - - - - - - -
Handle or Date of Date of Club
Last Name First Name Nickname Birth Death Affiliation
Campbell Bill B.C. 1997 Bay Area Enforcers (CA)
Cannon Bob J-Town 2012 ????
Capps Steve 2022 ???? (FL)
Carey Scott 1956 2013 Vanimal Vans (NY)
Carley Sue 2020 Rocky Mountain Vans
of Denver (CO)
Noted for knitting vanner apparel & novelties
Carley Vince Bin Grinz 2018 Rocky Mountain Vans
of Denver (CO)
Deeply involved in the
movement to Trade-Mark the
National Truck-In®
Carpenter Tom Blue Streak 2017 ???? (OH)
Carroll John Great Fun 2015 ???? (OH)
Carson Roy Smokedog 1998 Independent Vans of
San Diego (CA)
Casales Charles CC1 1955 2016 Dusk Till Dawn Vans (NY)
Cassidy Scott Kamikazee ???? ???? (OH)
Chelootz Dave Moody Blue 2021 Beaver Valley Vans
Experimental Vans of
Houston (TX)
Childers James Fat Daddy 1962 2009 Midwest Vans Ltd.
Chipman Eric 1950 2019 Freedom Vans (MA)
Chisholm Mike Tongue 1952 2002 Midwest Vans Ltd.
Chopp William Metro Man 1944 2002 Party Time Vanners (WI) -
Founding Member
Van Jammers (WI)
Sin City Vans (WI)
Milwaukee Independents (WI)
Christopher Travis 1985 2011 ???? (IL)
Clark Gus ???? ????
Clark Robert Barracuda 1994 ????
Clayton Wendall The Outlaw 2008 Move-N-Truckers (MI/OH) -
Founding Member
Majestic Order of
Van Enthusiasts (MI)
Cluckie Jean 1946 2023 ???? (ONT/CAN)
Cobbal Mike 2008 ????
Cochran Patricia ???? ????
Cogdill Anthony (Tony) The Reaper 1958 2016 TRUX LTD (TN?)
Colbert Shelia Shee Wee 1954 2003 Central Illinois Tucking
Lassie Association (IL)
Coldren John H. II Plum Loco 1959 2009 Flying Dutchmen Van
Club (PA)
Coleman Lee Angel Wing ???? ????
Collins Viv 2009 NSVA (UK)
Conners Inch ???? ????
Cook Mike 2013 Inland Vans Berdoo (CA)
Corral Jon L 1962 2003 ???? (OH?)
Cosgriff Lea ???? ????
Courtright Bryan 1952 2015 ????
Cowperthwaite Neil 2005 Solo Truckers (Eng)
Cox David 2022 Colorado Van
Association (CO)
Cox David 2022 Colorado Van
Association (CO)
Creeger Jerry Roadrunner 1944 2011 South Towne Vans (OH)
Crocker William Wild Willy 2023 Pikes Peak Van Association
Cromer Gary Dale Big Gary 2015 Midwest Vans Ltd.
Crooker Don 1946 1991 Movin' on Vans (PA)
Philly Van Club (PA)
Cunningham Pete Grey Go ???? Independent (CO)
Cuvala Richard Flame 1950 2012 Midwest Vans Ltd. -
Sponsoring Member
Remembered as one of the most creative minds in Vanning. One of the first to bring themes to eVANts
- - - - - - - - - - - - D - - - - - - - - - - -
Handle or Date of Date of Club
Last Name First Name Nickname Birth Death Affiliation
Dallenbach Glenn 1946 1947 Action Vans (MI)
Daly Bob 2020 Midwest Vans Ltd.
Davis Brad 2012 Mid-York Vans (NY)
Oswego River Vans (NY)
V.O.I.C.E.S. (??)
Davis James L. Jr. Kooljay 1966 2006 Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (??)
Deak G ???? ????
D'Amico Ronald 2021 Metro Truckers (TX)
Daunhauer Perry Of God 1958 2015 Van Clan Plus One (KY)
DeClue Gary ???? Heads Up Truckers (FL)
Dechum Wesley 2002 ????
Degenis Frank 2020 Midwest Vans Ltd.
DeRosie Shannon ???? Inland Vans Berdoo (CA)
Desrosiers Roger French 1950 2000 Van Ecouree (QUE/CAN)
Connection Ontario Federation of
Vanners (ONT/CAN)
Tri-City Vans (CT)
DeStefani Candice 1985 2019 We're The Phuckrwee
Van Tribe (MA)
Devencenzi Ray Uncle Ray 2001 ????
DeVine Bob 2023 Hard Core Truckers (PA)
DeWitt Charles King Charles 1985 Plain and Fancy Vans (VA)
DiBona Dennis Dirty Dog 1950 2010 Independence Vans of
Mass (MA) -
Founding Member
Space Trucker of Mass (MA)
Dickerson Hank ???? Midwest Vans Ltd.
Dickinson Dennis 1950 2020 Out To Lunch Bunch (RI)
Dickinson Rebecca 1956 2020 Out To Lunch Bunch (RI)
Dickson Ricky Touché 1995 Road Gang Vans (CA)
DiMarco Jerry ???? Bad Girls From New
Distante Cosmo Wolf Man Jack ???? Narragansett Vans &
Thomas Panel Truckers (RI)
Dizmang Clint Van Jammer 1954 2013 Colorado Van
Association (CO)
Dobbs Barbara Lady Pearl ???? ????
Dobson Carl Wizard 1959 2018 Windsor Custom Van Club (ONT/CAN)
Doklia Michael Doc 2012 Linden Truckers (NJ)
Dolan Barbara 2009? Truckers Unlimited (PA)
Doman Gary Hotwire 1944 2014 Central Washington Van
Club (WA)
W.H.A.A.T. (WA)
Domenget Melvin Jr. Hot Shot 1932 2024 Bar City Vans (WI)
Donaldson Aaron 1957 1998 J-Town Truckers (MO)
Donelson Tyrone Yogi Bear ???? ????
Donnelly Joseph Desert Rat 1950 2005 ???? (New England)
Dopson Eugene Diamond D 2003 ????
Dougherty Douglas 2017 ????
Dove James June Bug ???? ????
Drolet Peter 2017 ????
Drumhiller Tim 2005 Susquehanna Valley
Vans (PA)
Duncan Bill Uncle Bill 1994 ????
Duncan Clyde The Evangelist 1936 2017 ????
DuPont David Mad Vanner 2009 Mild To Wild Vanz (TX)
Durand Jack Demon 2000 Mini State Truckers (RI)
Durci William Bill 1949 2003 Independent (PA)
Duvall Ricky Rick 1949 2010 Fast Lane Vans (WI/IL)
Dyke Bill 1996 Gateway Vans (MO) -
Founding Member
Help Us Keep The Vanner Memorial Up To Date
Submit Your Vanner Memorial Information
Do you have information, even if incomplete, about a deceased vanner that belongs in this memorial?
- Name - Last, First, Handle or Nickname
- Date of Birth
- Date of Passing
- Club(s) Affiliation or Independent
- Achievements
- Anecdotes, Stories and Tales
- Remembrances
Please click on the "Submit Vanner Memorial Information" button below to share your information with us. We will include it in the updated Vanner Memorial as soon as possible.
More Information or Questions About the Vanner Memorial
- Do you have corrections or additions to information about a deceased vanner?
- Do you have questions about a deceased vanner?
- Do you have questions or comments about the Vanner Memorial?
Click on the "More Information" button below to send us your additional information or your question.