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How to Participate

Vanning Hall of Fame

Honoring Those Vanners and Vanning Supporters Who Made a Difference

The Museum of Vanning is fulfilling one of it's primary missions - to recognize those vanners and vanning supporters who have been the most influential in vanning.

2024 marks the first year of nominations for the Vanning Hall of Fame.

Anyone can nominate a candidate for induction into the Vanning Hall of Fame. Nominees may be from anywhere on earth. For now, there will be no regional subdivisions or categories. Vanning is truly international.

Nominations will be taken until Halloween of 2024.

Active Museum of Vanning members will vote to determine the 2025 class of inductees.

Voting will begin as soon as possible after Halloween and continue through February 2025.

Counting and tabulation will be completed in time to announce the 2025 inductees at the Council of Councils meeting at Baltimore in March of 2025.

Hall of Fame inductees will be recognized by having their names placed on the Hall of Fame rolls at a prominent location in the Museum of Vanning.

The Nomination Process

  • Nominations will be solicited throughout the year at all possible van events, at the Museum of Vanning and on the Museum of Vanning website.

  • The deadline for submitting nominees shall be Halloween.

  • Nominations will be made through public surveys. Anyone may nominate candidates.

  • The Museum of Vanning's Hall of Fame committee will ensure that nominations meet the criteria for eligibility and are placed into the appropriate categories.


  • Nominees must have been active in vanning or supporting vanning during the 20th century ending 12/31/2000.


There will be five categories of inductees. You may nominate up to five candidates in each of the five categories.

  • Vans
  • Vanners (Individuals or couples)
  • Clubs & Councils
  • Vendors & Builders
  • Media & Promoters (Including vanning organizations other than clubs & councils)

Rules for Voting

  • Final voting shall be by currently active Museum of Vanning members only.
  • Voting shall take place for four months after the close of nominations.
  • The top five nominees in each category will be on the ballot.
  • Ballots will be emailed or mailed to each currently active Museum of Vanning member. Ballots will also be available on the Museum of Vanning website to be either downloaded, completed, and emailed/mailed; or to be completed and submitted online.
  • Each currently active Museum of Vanning member may vote for one candidate in each category. Family and Lifetime Plus memberships shall be entitled to two votes.
  • The three nominees receiving the most most votes in each category shall comprise that year's class of inductees.
  • The enshrinement shall take place during the very next Council of Councils whenever practical.
  • Results will be announced and placed on the Museum website after the Council of Councils meeting and thereafter enshrined at a prominent place in the Museum of Vanning.

How to Nominate hall of Fame Candidates

You may nominate candidates for the Vanning Hall of Fame by completing the Nomination Form and sending it to the Museum of Vanning using either one of the two following ways:

1. Submit a paper nomination form:

  • Download and print out the blank form using the Download button below.
  • Complete the Nomination Form with you selections.
  • Give it to a Museum representative at a vanning event, in person or at the Museum of Vanning, 


  • Mail it to: Museum of Vanning, 12121 Little Rd., Box 320, Hudson, FL  34667


  • Scan the completed form and email it to

2. Complete the  Nomination Form online and submit it electronically:

  • Choose the Online Submittal button below.
  • Fill out the online Nomination Form.
  • Click the Submit button at the bottom of the form.

Choose the appropriate button below to either download the form for printing out or to submit it electronically.